This is really fantastic way to fascinate everyone at your party!
Alaina brings in her pet snake Ellie, a 4 foot Ball Python. Ellie is very docile and likes being handled, so guests can pet or hold this reptile. It's cool to to the touch, as it is a cold blooded animal. It will flick it's tongue, but it does not bite nor is it venomous. It's simply a nice snake and will add a lot interstes and intrigue to any event.
The video you see on the left is of Alaina and Arielle, wearing snake costumes at a party at the NEMA apartments in downtown Chicago. The occasion was a baby shower which was given a circus theme.
Just give us a ring at 262-344-5275 to order Ellie and Alaina!
24503 75 Street, Salem WI 53168